Rabu, 29 April 2015

Karangan Bebas Bahasa Inggris

Mata Kuliah “SPEAKING I”
Riyub Wibowo, S. Pd

Dian and I were spend a day. We were follow an event in the morning and continue by tour around Balikpapan until evening.

Firstly, Sunday morning at 07 o’clock, we went to attend an event “Islamic Conference and Civilization” at the Dome, Balikpapan. That morning we did not have time for breakfast at home, so we agreed to have breakfast first before entering the room. After that we did re-register and picked up some snacks, some beferages, and a guide book for the event.

Secondly, at 09 o’clock we entered the room  and how lucky we were to got front row seats. Then we listened to the proceeding from start to finish. It was unfortunately, the themes contained in the invitation “Islamic Conference and Civilzation” did not correspond to the themes of discussed at the event. I was disappointed because I was expecting a theme that reeks about history of Islam, but the theme was actually about politics and democracy.

Thirdly, at 12 o’clock the event was over and we went out of the room. After that we agreed for touring around the city of Balikpapan.  Our first target was Balikpapan Super Block  Mall, we spent about two hours there. The next target was Balikpapan Central Mall, we spent two hours either. And the last target was looking for an address of chicken noodle stall that people said were very tasty, and it was right, it was all delicious. At last, we went home at 06 o’clock.

When I got home, I felt the whole body aches, but I really enjoyed it because I could receive many lessons that day.

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