Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb !
Good evening ladies and gentlemen !
In the name of God,
the most beneficent and the most merciful, who is the God of all
mankind. Thanks for the chance that has given to me, to deliver my speech entittle
“PEACE”. The honorable Mr. Parir Lukas as the lecturer of speaking subject, and
all of my excellencies classmate that present here.
Ladies and Gentlemen !
eace !,,, Do you know why does the symbol of peace shows
by two fingers ? because the one finger is means the peace for all of peoplle,
and the other one is means the peace for our own heart, we don’t care how the
broken situation outside, our own heart should be feel peacefulness.
If you looked up the definition of peace in the
dictionary, chances are it would say something about tranqulity, and
non-violence. Yea, many people know its
definition, but only a few understands. Peace is the mother of progress. Without
peace, a nation cannot make any progress, so peace is ever desirable.
There are a lot of points that I want to share to you :
The peace of the world
The peace of our own country, Indonesia
The peace of interfaith or religious
The peace of cross cultural
The peace of our own heart
I. So, lets talk about
the first point, world peace is an ideal of freedom, peace and happiness among
and within all nations and people. World War II (1939-1945) has been end sixty
nine years ago, but is the world free from violence nowdays ? it’s exactly not
According to the, there are five nations
getting conflict with the nearest-neighbouring country, they are :
Indonesia – Malaysia, we all already know that Malaysia
claim the culture of Indonesia was the ancestral of Malaysia, and Indonesia had
denied and against it
Palestina – Israel, it’s the longest conflict that ever
happened. It’s about the land struggle in Gaza line
China – Japan, it’s also about thhe land struggle
(Senkaku Island)
North Korea – South Korea, it’s come to be known as Proxy
War, North Korea supported by Uni Soviet while South Korea supported by U.S.A
Pakistan – India, more it’s also about the land strugle
II. Next point is talk about Indonesian peace. Beside the
bothering from Malaysia, Internal trouble have been a hot issue since the
president election a few months ago and to be continue until today, and we
don’t know what will happens tomorrow until the years to come. Hope this
country will found a peacefulness as soon as possible.
I’m sure you often
see the posting link on the internet about the pros and cons about the
interregnum that has been winned by Joko Widodo as Indonesian president, and
Jusuf Kalla as the vice president. The supporter of the ex-candidate Prabowo
Subianto feat Hatta Radjasa cannot accept the result of the pollingday
When the president
elected, Joko Widodo made a final decision obout the mark-up of the gasoline,
the haters barracked by demonstration action to appeal against the decisison in
many places like in front of the house of representative office, on the street
such in the sirclle of HI (Hotel Indonesia).
Not only by the real
action, the haters also barracked on the social medias like facebook, twitter,
youtube, instagram, account of google, broadcasting of Blackberry messenger,
etc. With many unproper commments.
I think there is no
best solution can found if we do not open our mind, think the benefit of that
decision, then try to understand while we look lively the change will happen in
the future. Let’s help the government done one’s stuff developing our beloved
country, while we work harder to improve our own income.
III / IV, Let’s move to the next point, both point 3 and 4,
interfaith and cross cultural have the same common issue that often seems in
the world, even have been the big problems for a long time, and may be the word
“peace” will neven happen realized as long as the human being have nothing such
the positive thinking and the peace deep
in our heart.
Let’s live in our
convictionand the other religion live in their conictiion, too. Don’t bothering
one to another, morever humiliate or another actions that not proper to do or
to be said. Don’t ever distinguished the position in the government just
because the different of conviction,
ethnic and race, not only because our
nation is democration country, but it is also about humanism and by that
way I do believe we will be found a
V, The last point is our own peace, “Peace begins with a
smile,”I absolutely agree ! it’s said that a smile can light up a room, so
imagine what a world of smile can do. If
every day, someone does something kind for someone, it will create a
ripple effect. Think of when you drop a stone in a pond. It generates a small
ripple at first, but after a while, that little ripple has spread throughout
the entire pond. Now, think of world peace. If someone apologizes to someone
else, and they do the same, imagine what we can achieve !
Peace is the feeling
that all’s right with the world. How do I feel it ? when every one around me in
my family, my circle of friends and my neighborhood is happy, eager to love,
accept and relate...I feel at peace. Also, to me it means following what my heart says and
sharing mutual trust and respect for people around me.
Ladies and gentlemen
In closing, let us all resolve to be better students in the
school of peace, so that our homes and neighborhoods, our countries, and our
21st century can radiate peace.
I wish you all a very meaningful and inspiring by my speech, Those are what I can deliver to
you at this moment, thank a lot for your great attention and I ask forgiveness
for my mistakes, and the last I say:
Wr. Wb !
Nim: 13.54.0008
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